Tuesday, August 01, 2006

August horoscope

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Your August Horoscope by Susan Miller

If you are thinking of entering into a serious new relationship, whether for business or in your personal life, do so as August dawns. Mercury is no longer retrograde, so you have an open road, although Mercury will break into brand new territory from August 12 onward. That will pick up your pace quite a bit. Watch how things develop around that time.

Saturn will be unusually busy this month, meeting with the Sun, full moon, Mercury, Venus, and Neptune. Since Saturn's job is to bring rational, logical thinking and a sense of solidify and longevity to everything it touches, you seem ready to make a serious commitment. You also appear to be very cognizant of both the privileges and responsibility involved in a serious relationship, and that bodes well for your future.

If you have been involved with a troubled close relationship, in early August it will be time to come to a final decision about it, for it appears to be reaching a critical stage. Your decision will be whether to leave, or to stay and fix problems. With five planets about to oppose your Sun in your house of committed relationships, your partner will be quite vocal about grievances. You may feel you've heard it all before, but in truth there could be something new said now. If you want to salvage this relationship, spotlight areas of agreement before you tackle differences. Still, this won't be easy, and it will be hard to avoid a confrontation, ultimatum, or complete meltdown. Emotions will run very high.

If you have already split some time ago from someone close, but hope to have reconciliation, make your overture in the earliest days of the month. The new moon that appeared at the end of July will still be strong in early August and will help you enter into a serious, thoughtful discussion. If there is any chance that you can come together again, early August would be your best point of the month, albeit, the year, to try.

If, on the other hand, you feel you've stayed too long in this relationship, this month's harsh push-pull of the planets will mark your time to leave. If you left this alliance months ago, but have not been able to fully let go and move on, you may finally find all the strength to do so now.

A very tough day for any type of close relationship is due on August 7. This is the day when the fiery hot Sun will meet up with icy Saturn in conjunction, literally bringing a meeting of fire and ice. It's usually one of the most depressing days of the year, but one meant to quickly dispel fantasy in favor of replacing it with clear-eyed realism.

Reality can be necessary when it comes to romance, but in massive doses, as is likely on this day, August 7, it could turn out to be too much of a good thing. It is also possible that you see a cold, aloof side to someone that you've never seen before, quite a disillusioning experience.

If you have been very realistic about this relationship, you will feel the effects far less. Saturn will only give you as much advice as you need - some people need a little and others need a lot, and it changes within each individual on a case by case basis!

If you are not in a difficult relationship but a good one, then the other way it could work out is that you become quite worried about your partner's health or well being. Your partner may not be well or will be going through a hard patch. In this case, you will want to pitch in.

The full moon will appear in Aquarius on August 9, bringing to culmination all your relationship issues and concerns. If you are in a basically good relationship, although the focus will have been strongly on your partner during the first week of August, now it will switch to you and your own needs. Keep your own health up to par, as you may feel a bit worn out by this full moon. It will be physically, mentally, and emotionally draining - and possibly financially draining, too.

If you have been in a troubled relationship, you may have a meditation about what you want for yourself the future. As an Aquarius, your need for a certain space, autonomy, and feeling of freedom is strong, but you also have needs for closeness in a relationship too, of course. For each person, the proportions for closeness and space are different. If the balance for you is off, you may want to readjust it now. Planets building in Aquarius versus Leo would bring up that kind of meditation.

You may also wonder if you gave too much of yourself in the relationship and lost track of your core identity, perhaps after having had a baby or for other reasons. If so, it's important to talk about that and find ways to bring back a bit more of "you."

On the other hand, if you are in a good alliance that satisfies you, you will also know that to be true this month, as full moons bring understanding and truth to bear.

If you were born on or within five days of February 7, you will feel this full moon on August 9 most directly.

On the heels of this full moon will be the month's most inflammatory aspect, Mars opposition to Uranus, due August 13. This will be your roughest point of the month, for these two planets, when together, are akin to lighting a match and throwing it into a box of firecrackers. Everyone of every sign will feel the turbulence, but you might feel it a little more than most, as Uranus is your ruling planet.

You may hear of a major expense that you will have to cover - taxes, a credit card bill, or some other payment due, or you may have an angry confrontation about money with a partner, collaborator, representative, agent, banker, broker, or with someone with whom you share money, such as a spouse or live-in lover.

Although the reason for the disagreement will surface without warning, in truth, this problem has likely been a sore point for some time, but now has reached nuclear level. It will finally meet the breaking point, and there is some sort of possibility that you may have a parting of the ways.

There is also a possibility that you will hear that you need an operation or medical procedure, perhaps on your foot, intestine, colon, or other part of you. If so, stay calm and get another medical opinion if you feel you need one. In this case, you may simply be shocked to hear you need an operation, but that it could be good for you, so don't cancel it.

If money or health concerns you on August 13, operative plus or minus seven days, keep of good cheer. Cosmic help is on the way.

An excellent new moon will surface on August 23, one that will light your eighth house of other people's money. As your mother probably told you, "It's always darkest before dawn," and this new moon may prove it.

The house that will bring an opportunity will be the house that rules loans, venture capital, alimony, child support, income from insurance companies, commission, royalties, licensing fees, mortgages, scholarships, prizes, financial aid, and other windfalls. This is the area of expansion in your life, and the area you should focus on to expand.

This same area of your chart, the eighth house, rules surgery, and it would be a superb time to discuss or schedule an operation or procedure after this new moon appears. If you can't wait until August 23, it may mean that your health will noticeably improve after this date. I would ideally like you to schedule your procedure to take advantage of all the positive energy being sent to you on and after August 23, but go with the flow, and work with your doctor's schedule. Mercury is no longer retrograde (as it was in August), so you do have an open road.

Let's talk about the aspects to this glorious new moon, August 23.

Jupiter, the planet of good luck, will be very positively angled to this new moon, a good sign that if you do find a pipeline of cash, it is likely to be quite a lucrative one. Pluto will also be helpful, a sign that a friend may tip you off about where to find your bounty. (Pluto will also suggest that you can benefit from clubs and organizations as well.) If you work for an employer, you may be able to negotiate better benefits and other perks. Buy a raffle ticket at this time just for fun - you might win a small prize.

Jupiter is also the planet of healing and even miracles, and I am so excited that Jupiter will be helpful to you at this new moon. A new moon is not just operative for a day, but for the two weeks that follow. Your best days will be those that follow in the first seven days.

Also, Pluto is the planet known to help in any physical, psychological, or even financial transformation, so having a positive Pluto behind you is very lucky!

Be sure to schedule your key meetings with doctors or if those meetings are about money, with your employer, broker, banker, financial consultant, or perspective clients in the days that follow August 23, for a strong window will open for you then.

I will close with the most exciting news I have for you!

August 29, a truly five-star day, will create dazzling career news, right out of the blue! Jupiter, now shining in your house of fame and honors, will reach out to Uranus, now in your house of personal earned income. What a wonderful day for your professional advancement! On this day, a career opportunity is about to come to you out of the blue, possibly because you find yourself at the right place at the right time. What's so special is that not only will your status be on the rise, but you are likely to see a financial benefit, too.

Try not to be away on vacation on such a stellar day!


At the start of August you will be focused on a close relationship. You appear to be exploring the possibility of merging energies through marriage or a work-related partnership. The new moon that appeared just prior to the start of August will drive this trend. Saturn is prominent, so the alliance that you build will be a formidable one and will last a long time.

The full moon on August 9 will be in Aquarius and bring this point home. At the same time, you will focus on your budding partnership and may make your plan official. You may get engaged or sign papers with a business collaborator.

However, this full moon will be a hard one, because it coincides with a very harsh opposition between Mars and Uranus the same week, due on or within seven days of August 13. You may hear news about a surgery or illness, or be subject to some sort of unusual stress, perhaps because you are concerned about someone close.

If health or life's pressures are not unusual at the time, you may be confronted with a sudden expense. With your ruling planet, Uranus, under siege by warrior Mars, the period from August 9 to 18 will be tense and you'll be impeded by at least one obstacle that you will need to circumvent.

Keep your chin up, though, for the new moon August 23 will bring you both medical options AND financial ones. The fortunate opportunity that opens up may help you find the perfect solution for something that's clearly made you tense.

Get as much rest as much as you can this month. You have been under draining circumstances lately, and this month will exact much from you.

Remarkably, the month will continue to get better as you go along. While expenses are likely to continue to rise, with the movement of Mars and Virgo you have one sterling aspect, so strong that it has the power of undoing so much of the frustration you may feel as you go through the month.

On August 29, Jupiter and Uranus, your guardian planet, will bring an unexpected lucky career break. You will receive an offer you never in a million years though you'd ever get, and one that will represent a true milestone in your personal history. Celebrate! This one calls for friends, fun, and lots of cold champagne!

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