Friday, July 01, 2005


I posted yesterday on one of my other blogs. I might not have time today to blog on this one, so I have linked the other for your convenience.

We're swamped with work for the next week because so many people here at the radio network have decided to go on vacation at the same time.

I might just take one myself, after everything settles down. It'd be nice to not have to come in. I like work, but if everyone else is taking time off, so should I.

Let me just say one thing before I go: people are talking about how Time magazine turning over internal documents to the Feds for an investigation into the outing of a CIA operative's cover is a bad thing for journalism and the First Amendment.

However, I say this: journalists gave up their impartiality long ago, before 9/11... hell, even before the first attempt to blow up the WTC!

The past five years have seen the rise of journalism so yellow that it should be listed on the Terror Alert Color Chart. The cover-ups, the buried stories, the accusations of 'bias' from either side...

Newsweek, Dan Rather, the Swift Boaters, the 2004 Presidential debates... all of this and more...

Read my post from my other blog and tell me if you agree or disagree with my assertion.

If I don't find my way back here before the 4th, have a happy Independence Day.

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