Monday, September 12, 2005

power outage

At first I thought it was the faulty circuit breaker, since my apartment was built in the '40's and similar instances have occurred in my short time living there.

But, I didn't have a lot of electrical appliances on, and everyone else's power was out too.

I decided to drive to work, because we have a back-up generator. Radio keeps on moving forward, no matter what. Short of an electro-magnetic pulse, nothing stops our broadcasts.

My commute was a lawless cruise through a Valley with no working traffic lights, a paucity of traffic cops, and people talking on their cel phones as the lanes piled up.

I drove on the median, in the left turn lanes, down side streets and alley ways. I started to like it.

By the time I got here, things were returning to normal. But I feel like I was in the right place at the right time, and I didn't panic.

I am not afraid of anything.

1 comment:

J Drawz said...
