Monday, March 27, 2006

hillary machiavelli

Do a Google image search of 'Hillary Clinton'. You'll notice that, on the first page alone, there are just as many debased images of Hillary as there are flattering pics.

Photoshop jobs, political cartoons, or just straight-away hateful contempt for this woman know no bounds. I believe that she is hated by the Right ten times more than George W. Bush is hated by the Left.

But all that means is that the GOP is terrified of her. And why? Is it because she is a woman? A Democrat? A Clinton?

No. It's because Hillary Rodham Clinton is one determined bitch.

And nothing will stop her if she decides to go for the gold in 2008.



The reason why HRC is so feared by the political Right is because her spin ability is superior to that of 100 Karl Roves. And what's more-- she doesn't need her own Karl Rove to enable this spin.

King Georgie is woefully dependent on his aides and staff to stack the deck in his favor. Hillary needs no one else to achieve the same goals.

Having her husband on her side certainly helps. Bill is still immensely popular with American voters. Bush may have a stranglehold right now, but Slick Willie didn't need to steal elections in order to win the Presidency.

Instead, the Clintons know the power of language, and how to apply it. They are masterful debaters.

But if you thought Bill was the Teflon Prez, wait until Hillary takes the crown in two years' time... that is, if she opts to run.

And I think she will.


Let me give you some examples.

At the height of the Clinton impeachment, Hillary stated (on the Today show, I believe) that her husband was the victim of a "vast right-wing conspiracy".

A statement like this should instantly paint Hillary as a nutjob, no? Who uses the term "vast right-wing conspiracy" anyway?

Well, it was too much for neo-cons to resist. Immediately, the likes of Rush Limbaugh and other fascist scum were buying into her statement, if only in order to spite her. I distinctly remember a conservative friend of mine who bought a coffee mug that said "Member Of The Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" on the side of it.

Seemed funny at the time, especially when the the GOP thought they had Clinton on the ropes.

Fast forward to this past weekend, when K.T. McFarland, Hillary's GOP Senate Race rival, made a comment that got played up in the tabloid New York Post.

McFarland accused Hillary of spying on her, while giving a speech in Suffolk County. This made the tabloids, and now McFarland is known as "Kooky K.T." around NYC.

The Clinton camp's statement regarding this? "We at the Hillary campaign wish Ms. McFarland the best and hope she gets the rest she needs... Some campaigns hand out campaign buttons; the McFarland campaign hands out tinfoil hats with antennas..."

Cold-blooded. Karl Rove is an amateur compared to this. The late Lee Atwater (Rove's mentor) would've been proud. James Carville is probably creaming himself as we speak.

This woman is going to win the Presidency in 2008.


Example #2: Jeanine Pirro's meltdown on live TV during the last Senate Race.

I remember seeing the footage of her infamous speech on a lefty website. According to a Village Voice account:

"She looked down at her notes. She then paused, mid-sentence, and said nothing. She shuffled through her notes, as second passed. Reporters shifted in their seats. Photographers flashed their cameras. Then in a muffled voice, Pirro asked her staffers, 'Do you have page 10?' The missing page of her speech, it turned out, had been left in another room and was quickly retrieved by an aide..."

Hey, if Howard Dean's run for the Presidency can be undone by a single scream, imagine what misplacing your speech notes can do for you!

I was suspicious enough to wonder if one of Hillary's people infiltrated Pirro's campaign and sabotaged the speech shortly before she was to deliver it. I thought that was pretty paranoid, even for me, but now that I've read about "Kooky" McFarland's comment, I think maybe my problem is that I wasn't paranoid enough!

But that speech gaffe was nothing compared to the assault Hillary waged upon Pirro's private life and career record. And Hillary is amassing, as we speak, a formidable war chest, one that puts any GOP contender to shame.

I've already had some friends of mine tell me, "Nah, it ain't gonna happen." These were the same people who told me that, according to polls in 2004, John Kerry didn't have a chance during the primaries, even though he was a fellow Skull & Bones member and had every intention of laying down so Bush could steal another election.

Hillary isn't Skull & Bones, so whoever goes after her in a Prez bid better be, or else they have NO CHANCE!


In my last post, I mentioned that an issue was made about Hillary supposedly quoting from the Bible in recent press conferences, and how her foes tried to paint her as being opportunistic.

Those accusations were rescinded, however, when press outlets started looking up quotes from Mrs. Clinton from the past... and found that she has indeed been very vocal about her religious convictions, as far back as 1993.

Hillary has her enemies so wound up that they will resort to anything to discredit her. But if they haven't found anything to use against her by now, I doubt they ever will have anything.

Part of what makes Hillary such a Machiavellian genius is that she elicits strong opinions from people, but she also knows exactly what she has said and where she said it, and how to parry anyone's objections by using language.

She knew it would piss off GOPers to exploit the Bible at a political stump, but she did so knowingly-- she knew that the first thing her detractors would say was that she was insincere.

And now that they've had to eat their words, they realize they have to be more careful when attacking former First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.


I say all this not because I want her to win. In fact, I hope she doesn't run, because I have no doubt that she will win... and she will further the same agenda that her husband and the Bushes (Sr. and Jr.) have backed up for some time now.

I stopped voting Democrat in 1996, when I knew that Bill Clinton was just one of the good ol' boys. I got scolded for throwing away my vote (for fear that Bob Dole would win-- yeah, right!) but no one listened to my reasons for voting Green that year and the year after that.

I don't expect anyone to listen to me this year. So all I will say is: be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.

Hillary's gonna win-- mark my words. And Democrats will have their comeuppance, and they will feel good, and they will give it back to their opponents in spades.

But after the celebration is over, keep your eyes on that woman. She knows exactly what she is doing, and she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

In terms of personal success, she is a great example of what a woman can strive for in this day and age. Too bad that she will turn it all over to the vested corporate interests that are helping her win.

Consider yourself warned.

btw: I'm voting Independent in 2008.

1 comment:

sahalie said...

and yes, if there hasn't been a revolution in the next 2 years, i'll vote independent in 2008