Wednesday, March 22, 2006

hooked on face recog

My is my new favorite time-waster online.

I uploaded this photo of Hillary Clinton and received the following results:

Hillary Rodham Clinton 100% (duh)
Lucille Ball 59%
Susan Sarandon 57%
Calista Flockhart 56%
Mena Suvari 56%
Cameron Diaz 55%
Alyson Hannigan 55%
Julia Roberts 52%
Jennifer Jason Leigh 52%
Zsa Zsa Gabor 52%

(NOTE: I've supplied each photo with a link to the actual photo that was accessed within My Heritage's database, to illustrate how two completely different-looking people can be lumped together via the algorithms in the Face Recog program)

Hmmm, I don't think Hillary would be too pleased about the inclusion of Susan Sarandon, given her recent comments about the former First Lady.

But then again, who would have thought that Hillary would refer to "the Scriptures" as she did in recent press junkets? I'll tell you who: None other than Hillary herself! As far back as 1993, she's made comments about her faith and the Bible but never gets any decent coverage over it.

On another note... I see that Mena Suvari and Calista Flockhart made this list... they also made Eve's list... and I must admit, back when the Clintons were in the White House, I publicly stated that I thought Hillary was pretty good-looking "for a First Lady"... I mean, I was drunk at the time, and talking smack, but I stand by it. Hillary, for her age and demeanor, isn't really an eyesore.

I'd do her.

She has good hair and wardrobe people. I won't even bother posting a picture of her pre-White House days... God, who needs to undergo THAT torture?

Anyway, I'm thinking that once again there is something hard-wired inside of me that responds to certain types of women's facial features. I also wondered if maybe Eve will look like Hillary when she gets older.

Oooh, I'd better drop this line of blogging... I could get into serious trouble here. No more references to what women will look like when they're older!


Eternity said...

What exactly is old?

J Drawz said...

Not old... older.

sahalie said...

wow that's a trip
i just "did" my own face
and i got
marcia cross 80%
kylie minogue 75%
ashley judd 75%
anna kournikova 74%
greta garbo 74%
and katie holmes 73%

now i'm feeling all sassy
and thinking maybe i should take up tennis hee hee