Monday, January 17, 2005


I am back to the day shift!

And BOY does it feel great to be back!

Of course, it would be nice if I had today-- MLK's birthday --off, but there's nobody here and I can kick back and chill.

My weekend was actually pretty eventful: Went to a friend's comedy revue on Thursday night, ate Cajun cuisine and then went to see Spike & Mike's Sick & Twisted Festival of Animation on Friday night, went to see my friend Mikey's band play a club in North Hollywood known as C.I.A. (California Institute of Abnormalarts) on Saturday, and spent Sunday night watching The Simpsons DVDs with Bro Man and Eve.

It felt wonderful to know that I was going to sleep at night, to wake up in the morning, and not the other way around.

Of course, Bro Man didn't realize that he had stayed longer than I expected. I kept dropping hints for him to leave, but he didn't understand my drift. After a while, I gave up... but let me just say this: the day Bro Man gets some pussy for himself, I'm going to go over to his house and stand in the middle of the room for three hours, just so he knows how many times he has inadvertantly done this to me.

I mean, he's still my homeboy, but he is clueless when it comes to being a wingman. How many times do I have to insinuate it before he gets it?

And of course, I don't want to seem like I'm getting rid of him outright, because Eve would get mad at me. Why would she get mad? Because Bro Man is her friend also, and she sees nothing wrong with him hanging out. Then again, she hasn't had to deal with it like I have-- one of these days she'll be wanting him to leave for her own reasons, and she'll finally see what I have to tolerate quite often.

In the past ten years, Bro Man has accidentally blocked my action with almost every steady girlfriend I've ever had at least ONCE. Usually it's in the form of his not leaving, which leads me to stew slowly until I get the opportunity to tell him that he needs to leave or at least go to the liquor store for about half an hour.

But, it's not a big deal. I was pretty tired this whole weekend, as I prepared to re-adjust my sleep patterns for the day shift. I probably would've fallen asleep in the middle of sex if Bro Man had left Eve and I alone, so it's not a huge loss.

That's really all that happened this weekend, so I will post later. You see, I received a response from Mac, which is funny because he said he didn't want to hear what I had to say when I replied to him... I figured he would just delete my reply. But he read it, and now he has responded. And I for one don't want his negative bullshit to ruin my day for me.

So I will read his e-mail right before I leave work. That way, I can just get out of here and not let its contents infuriate me while on the job, which is most likely what it will do to me.

See ya soon!

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