Friday, January 28, 2005


There's this thing circulating online...

A pirate DVD or something...

I already know what it's all about, being the conspiracy hobbyist that I am...

I already know who it implicates and for what reasons...

I don't care to argue whether it is propaganda or not, whether it's true or not...

I just love the fact that, when you pop that puppy into your DVD player, instead of an FBI warning instructing you not to copy it, you see a placard encouraging you to copy it and pass it on...

Just like Fahrenheit 9/11, there isn't much new info contained in the movie. It's just a compilation of information. It may seem new to you, but not to me, thanks to my obsession with all things political. It's up to the viewer to decide whether they believe it or not.

Right-wingers and red-staters are revelling in their victory, making claims that people like Michael Moore "failed" in their mission to usurp the status quo. Well, when the underground documentaries and homemade exposes start swelling online and in the streets, it's obvious that the right-wingers didn't even know what Moore's mission was to begin with-- hopefully, this isn't the last we'll see of such movies.

Nowadays, anyone with a computer, some equipment, and some know-how can make their own propaganda. Moore has helped launch a thousand other Moores, a thousand Oliver Stones and Errol Morrises.

See it for yourself, make up your own mind. I've already argued it online, so don't bring it to me unless you wanna see me go ballistic.

One last thing: Last night, as Paulie and I were recording the Audio Commentary for the cartoon DVD, one of his friends who works as a road manager for a certain gangsta rapper who recently gave up smoking weed but went back to it (bow wow wow yippee yo yippee yay) was hanging out as another friend, who was a staunch Republican up until recently, was raving about this pirate DVD that I mentioned earlier.

I made a comment along the lines of, "Y'all don't even know the half. These people are lowlife motherfuckers."

The road manager dude looked at me, nodded, and said, "Their time is coming soon. They'll get theirs, you can bet on it."

And I smiled.

When the dude left, I gave him a pound and a hug. He didn't know how much that little bit of verbiage helped me out. It was like hearing that there is hope, even if it isn't grounded in anything real or tangible.

So I say unto you, before you embark on your weekend: Just remember, their time is coming soon. They'll get theirs, you can bet on it.

There's hope.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Bin Laden didn't blow up the projects/ it was you nigga/ tell the truth nigga/ Bush knocked down the towers/ Bush knocked down the towers"

--Immortal Technique