Tuesday, January 18, 2005


I am a curious cat.

Leave a puzzle laying around the house, and I will stalk it with stealthy paws, eyeing it suspiciously, circling it and pouncing until its mystery is solved.

Keep a secret from me, and I will intuit on my own what it is that you choose to hide from me.

It has nothing to do with control or my own insecurity... well, maybe it has a little bit to do with my own neuroses... but not a whole lot.

Eve and I have been fine so far. She makes no undue demands upon me, and vice versa. We are using each other, for companionship, for sex, for food, for comfort...

We ask nothing of each other.

But lately I have been curious. And my curiosity centers upon Monday.

She used to go to therapy on Tuesdays but she moved it to Mondays, and I've noticed ever since she made the change how Mondays have become "her day". She doesn't want to see me on Mondays. Therapy probably has her drained to the point where she cannot bear to deal with me or anyone else.

I can accept that. But my curiosity burns, and it kills me. I want to know just what she does on Mondays. Does she have a girlfriend that she goes to see on those days? Or does she spend them alone? I'm afraid to ask her, because Eve is the kind of person who will NOT tell you anything that she wants to keep hidden.

I think I am getting too curious. Do I really need to know what she does on Mondays? Shouldn't I be thrilled with this respite from her? Shouldn't I use my Mondays to indulge in my own personal pet projects, the ones that I myself keep hidden from the rest of the prying world?

In other words, I value privacy, and yet I want to know what she does on Mondays, and why I have no part in it.

I am getting ridiculous. I mean, she gives me Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday-- Thursday is her acting class, and even then she is willing to see me for a minute on those nights, if she is in the mood.

She gives me her Saturday nights sometimes, and I've had many Sundays with her. So what am I complaining about?

Why can't I let the mystery be?

Why must I feel the need to discover her secret?

I think one of the reasons why I am so attracted to a woman like Eve is because she is shrouded in such personal secrecy, and usually I am the one who is mysterious and vague. The women go crazy for me because I only show them what they need to know, but with Eve I feel like laying my whole life bare, for her to see.

Maybe she doesn't want to see it all.

Anyway, I should get over it, because she will not appreciate it if I start to ask her what she does on Mondays. It just won't be feasible, it will make things worse.

But I'd really like to know...

I am a curious cat, and we all know what killed the cat in the end, don't we?


Shannon said...

I'll tell you what she does...she does a bunch of mundane bullshit that she doesn't want to tell you about because a) it is embarassing, but we women have to have time to make ourselves beautiful (nails, hair, mud mask, trim/wax/shave) we also have to shop and clean, and pay bills, and so forth. Being that she is drained anyway, she probably figures she should take care of all the other unseemly crap at once, and she doesn't tell you specifics because it is embarassing, irrelevantm and she will seem more mysterious by not telling you. I only say this because I have had many a mystified male in my life, and I am her astrological kinswoman...take it from me. You may act a bit curious, or ask her what she did on monday, but if she evades the question, don't push it.

Anonymous said...

damn that just sucked all the mystery out of it, dint it?

Anonymous said...

Dude....you sound like a chick.

wiley :)

Anonymous said...

Or maybe she goes to bed early.

--J, who became seriously sleep-deprived once she started co-habitating.