Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I love all conspiracy theories, no matter how ridiculous they are. But I do have one iron-clad rule:

If a conspiracy theory (or CT) can easily be disproved using science and and the laws of physics, then it's a very low-grade strain of CT.

I mean, I'll admit that there are irrational and unexplainable things out there, things that science cannot account for... but if science CAN account for some sort of anomaly, then the ensuing CT is about as useful to me as a cancerous tumor.

Here is a link to a great CT I found out about today. It's probably one of the most far-fetched CTs I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. Luckily, the person who posted it goes out of their way to use science and logic to de-bunk the ludicrous claims contained within the CT.


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