Friday, December 30, 2005


Think of God as a hunted animal, a deer caught in headlights paralyzed by fright and stricken with fear... we seek the prey, trying to flush it out of hiding, hoping to catch it and cage it and skin it and hang its pelt upon our dungeon walls, but until then we stalk forever knee-deep in the marshes, or thick in the forests, sailing the currents, in search of a reason to go to church...

Think of my life as being lived in the shadow of the goddess who gave birth to all of civilization, personified in the muses bestowed upon me, the faces and shapes changing but always the same, emanating from the same source, feminine guardian angels with fiery swords standing vigil at each transitional gateway, every rite-of-passage entrance, and all the cobblestones on my hero's path...

Think of your existence as the contents of a holy scroll, penned with a quill using the ink of historical blood, and you are sketched out and fleshed out and stretched out over every single moment of time until you are stressed out and finally etched out and erased...

2005 was a tough year. Here's to hoping the next one is a little easier.

Not that I'm not up to the challenge... I just think we're all a bit frazzled and need some relaxation.


1 comment:

Shannon said...

Not to be a bearer of bad news, but astrologically, it is shaping up to be a very challenging year for all of us, but most especially for fixed signs Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio...Aquarius is dealing with Saturn in Leo, heralding sobering encounters with reality in relationships and partnership. Also, there is what is called a fixed cross in effect through out the year...planets in the shape of a cross in these fixed signs...that equals four squares, and squares equal tension. Squares create the need to change things up in situations that are resistant to change, and usually this is a painful undertaking. There looks to be upheaval in all areas of life both personally and on a global level. The point of all this is to force us to develop our spiritual tools for coping with change. The most important tool is the ability to just Be...the ability to observe each moment without judgement and without attachment. Also, the ability to accept responsibility for the fruits of our past actions, to act with intent without clinging to our conception of how things should turn out--knowing that uncertainty is the essential ingredient in all miracles. If we learn to do these lessons as individuals, this year will be a success. Each person who learns to approach life in this way affects life on the planet by changing one person at a time.