Monday, March 21, 2005


Okay, enough is enough!

I can't believe I actually have to take time out of my busy schedule to sift throguh all of this BS!

Tyrone-- while I admire your efforts to defend me, you're not helping any by egging this loser on. I don't want to end up like you, without a job. I'm changing the password and revoking your blog priveleges for a spell. Thanks for calling me, though-- I wouldn't have found out about it until it was too late.

L-- same to you, kid. This loser is a waste of time. I haven't done anything to him and he keeps coming back at me. I hope you and Ty don't decide to take this into your own hands, because it's not worth it.

G______-- I sent an e-mail to my bosses, warning them of your plans. But I have to wonder aloud, since I have the opportunity to do so: what is your major malfunction?

You claim to make all this money and have such a great life. Why, then, are you attempting to go after someone like me? Sounds to me like you are just a broke loser with too much time on his hands.

You say the photo that Ty posted is not you. If it's not you, then why get upset? Besides, Ty tells me he found the photo online-- that means it's already been in the public domain for years. Just like when I posted your info online on CL last year: if it's not your real information then what do you care? This leads me to believe that you ARE named S____ E_______, and you DO look like a redheaded stepchild.

Sorry, I just had to add that one, considering how much effort you put into slandering me.

Doesn't it ever dawn on you that you are spending all this time on a total stranger? Doesn't it dawn on you that you make yourself look like an idiot every time you post? The people who like my blog only post comments every once in a while-- you post like 20 in one hour! Get a life, dude...

Speaking of which: I'm leaving the comments up, because I want my bosses to see that it's YOU, and not me, who's starting beef this time. I haven't been to CL in all the this time, and what I post on my blog when I'm elsewhere is of no concern to my bosses, who think you are unstable and potentially dangerous. Once they see that picture of you, though, they will realize (like me) that you are a redheaded clown.

I can't tell Ty and L what to do, so if they are planning on going to CL to rake your name through the mud, you have no one to blame but yourself, S____. You said it yourself on this blog a few weeks back: "Don't f*** with strangers"... well, if you're messsing with Tyrone and L., then you messed with the wrong strangers. I can't call them off if they decide to go ahead with something. I don't approve of what they did here, but then again you haven't exactly let it go either.

I mean, how much of an inferiority complex do you have? I gave up on you a long time ago, S____, but you keep on coming with it. Why? What are you going to 'win' in this battle? Is there some kind of King Of The Internet title that I never heard of? For a guy who writes reviews of Star Wars books, maybe that's the best thing you can hope for-- to "win" a battle online, where everyone is making up stuff.

Finally, I hope you learn something valuable from this, S____ E_______. I hope you learn that everything has consequences. For me, the consequence was that I put my co-workers in danger by battling with a orange-haired glasses-wearing nerd like you on the 'Net. And for you, the consequences are that you pissed off my friends and family, and as much as I tell them to refrain from their schemes, they don't listen to me. And now that they have that photo of you, I wish you the best of luck.

I'm washing my hands of this as of right now. And just to show that I'm a good sport, I'll take down that ugly ass picture of you that Tyrone posted.

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