Thursday, March 24, 2005


Eve asked me, months ago, why I love to be hated. She had noticed aloud that a lot of people hate me for no reason, and she also noticed that I laughed when she mentioned that fact.

I recall that I came up with some flippant remark as an answer. But the question popped into my mind as I was having a cigarette on my break..

Why do you love to be hated?

I came back inside and went online, typing "pathological need to be hated" into a search engine. Many things came up, but this was the first one I clicked on, and reading it was scary-- I almost wondered if I had authored it a long time ago and maybe someone had reappropriated it online...

Such is the way of the Narcissist. (scroll down after you click)

He really hit it on the head. A bit over the top, but right on the head.

1 comment:

sahalie said...

had me giggling
oh my that's SO you!